Protective cover for car keys - how it all began:
"Why the car key will soon need a protective cover" was the headline of a Article in the world In the same year I broke a waterproof diving bag with a car key in it for the first time. It was a key with a fixed beard that just bored through the plastic. Fortunately I was able to unlock the old car and start but the remote control and the control for the alarm system were gone. In the time when my daughter was so small and Sylvia stayed with her at the van, my car key was safe. But the question of where to put the key on the beach kept coming up, because I was travelling alone once and our motorhome also works with a radio key. I didn't want to hide the key on the car. Key at a safe to the car hang. I've had some negative Reports heard and seenhow easy it is to crack some key safes. I also checked with my car insurance company. In case of theft of the car, all registered keys must be returned to the insurance must be transferred. If one is missing, the insurance cover expires. My second experience with a waterproof key pack became really expensive. The flip key unfolded when kiting, damaged the bag and water penetrated. The Copying the key cost over 250,- €. So there was a need for action and the idea for the Keyfender was born. To have a secure housing, it should be made of a stable material, with a waterproof closure and a rubber window for operating the radio buttons. After two years of development the Keyfender® is now ready for the market. Made of durable material, with elastic window and patented locking technology. From DEKRA Certification with Protection class IP 68 to 10m Water depth tested.
The fastest way to get your Keyfender® is via Kickstarter. Sign up for the Newsletter to get a limited early bird keyfender and to get all the info about the protective cover for car keys.